Mortgage Stats and Info for River Hebert, NS

Busy Months

This graph represents the volumes of applications received by Super Brokers in each month for all years combined. The busiest month for mortgages from River Hebert, NS usually occurs in June with 50.0% of applications, while our slowest is December with 0.0%.

Busy Days

The information below plots the busy days for Internet applications that were received by the Super Brokers web site. Each day is a total combined representation of the last 5 years of all occurrences of that day. In River Hebert, NS the most busy day of the week, with approximately 50.0% of all submissions, is Friday. In comparison, Saturday is the slowest day with only 0.0% of all inquiries.

Peak Hours

In River Hebert, NS, inquiries are received 24 hours a day on the Super Brokers' web site. The time periods below represents the rush hours for mortgage inquiries in the day. 0.0% of all mortgages are received in the morning, while 100.0% arrive in the afternoon.

Busy Seasons

The pie chart illustrated below depicts the peak seasons for online mortgage applications received by Super Brokers. The busiest season for mortgages on properties in River Hebert, NS occurs in Summer with 50.0% of total applications, while our slowest season is Spring with 0.0%.

Age Ranges for Mortgage Applicants

In River Hebert, NS, the median age for when home-buyers inquire about a mortgage is 34. The youngest person to fill out a mortgage application online in River Hebert, NS was 29 and the most aged was 39 years old.

Marital Status for Mortgage Applicants

When mortgage applicants in River Hebert, NS fill out a online application, they enter a marital status, and the most frequent status' they report are Divorced with 50.0%, and Single with 50.0%.

Mortgage Types

Of all the mortgage applications in River Hebert, NS, the 2 most prominent online application types are First-time Buyer with 50.0%, and No Money Down with 50.0%.

Current Living Arrangement

When asked on an online mortgage application if they rent or own and where they reside, the residents of River Hebert, NS most frequently report: and Rent with 50.0%.

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