Terms with Category Financial Banking
- Finder Fee — Definition,
- A fee paid by a party to another for services rendered.
- Firm Commitment — Definition,
- A lender's promise to lend money to a specific borrower on specified terms at a certain time.
- Fiscal Deficit — Definition,
- When the government spends more money than it receives in revenue over the course of one year.
- Fiscal Policy — Definition,
- The use of government spending and taxation policies to influence the economy.
- Fiscal Surplus — Definition,
- When the government receives more in revenue than it spends over the course of the year.
- Fixed Assets (FA) — Acronym, Important,
- Assets like machinery, land, buildings, or property used in operating a business that will not be consumed or converted into cash during the current accounting period.
- Fixed Expenses (FE) — Acronym,
- Fixed business costs that do not change regardless of business volume, such as property rental, insurance payments, utilities, etc.
- Fixed Instalment — Definition,
- Periodic (usually monthly) payment on a loan whose sum does not vary.
- Flat Fee — Definition,
- A fixed charge that a broker requests instead of a commission.
- Float — Definition,
- The amount of time the bank takes to clear or reject a cheque for payment
- The time at which funds are debited from the issuer's account.
- Forbearance — Definition,
- Delaying foreclosure, usually because the borrower has arranged to pay the amount in arrears.
- Foreclosure — Definition,
- The legal process by which a borrower in default under a mortgage is deprived of his or her interest in the mortgaged property. This usually involves a forced sale of the property at public auction with the proceeds of the sale being applied to the mortgage debt.
- Foreign Currency (FCY) — Acronym,
- Paper money and coins from other countries.
- Foreign Currency Surcharge — Definition,
- A fee charged by a credit card company for purchases made in a foreign currency.
- Foreign Exchange (F/X, FX, FOREX, FE) — Acronym,
- Various instruments used to settle payments for transactions between individuals or organizations using different currencies (e.g., notes, cheques, etc.).
➥ Bank account transaction code. - Foreign Exchange Rate (FXRate) — Abbreviation,
- The value of a nation's currency in terms of another nation's currency
- Foreign Investment — Definition,
- Investing money into a business in another country.
- Forfeiture — Definition,
- Loss of property because of violation of law or contract.
- Four Pillars — Definition,
- Refers to the main types of financial institutions: banking, trust, insurance, and securities.
- Franchise — Definition,
- The right to sell products or services under a corporate name or trade mark (established by someone else). This right is usually purchased for cash in addition to a royalty fee on, or a percentage of, all sales.
- Fresh Start — Definition,
- The characterization of a debtor's status after bankruptcy. i.e., free of most debts.
- Friendly Takeover — Definition,
- When a company purchases another and both parties' management approve.
- Fringe Benefit — Definition,
- Employee compensation other than your wages, tips and salaries, such as health insurance, life insurance and pension plans. Usually referred to as a Bonus.
- Full Income Verification — Definition,
- A requirement for fully documented proof of income; loans of this type usually offer lower interest rates than no-income or "no-doc" verification loans.
- Future Value of an Annuity (FVA) — Acronym,
- The value of an annuity at some future date.
- Futures — Definition,
- Contracts to buy something in the future at a price agreed upon in advance. They first developed in the agriculture commodity markets but often involve foreign exchange, Eurodollar deposits and government bonds.
- Garnishment — Definition,
- An amount withheld from your pay and remitted to another party, such as a creditor. You must include in your taxable income any amount that was garnished from your pay, because the full amount of your pay is considered to have been received by you even though some was withheld to pay your debts.
- Good Credit — Definition,
- Someone who carries little credit risk.
- Goods and Services Tax (GS, GST) — Acronym, Canada,
- A sales tax that applies in all Canadian provinces charged at 5% (as of 2012).
➥ Bank account transaction code. - Grace Period — Definition,
- If the credit card user does not carry a balance, the grace period is the interest-free time a lender allows between the transaction date and the billing date. The standard grace period is usually between 20 and 30 days. If there is no grace period, finance charges will accrue the moment a purchase is made with the credit card. People who carry a balance on their credit cards have no grace period.
- A window of time where a policyholder still has time to pay insurance premiums.
Finder Fee -
Good Credit
Good Credit